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Once upon a time there was Alina and Anda ....

Refuge d'Alina et Anda
Refuge d'Alina et Anda
Refuge d'Alina et Anda
Refuge d'Alina et Anda
Refuge d'Alina et Anda

Most of the people who will join me on this site know my facebook page, as well as the history of the refuge of Alina and Anda , who is in Romania , to Sintesti more exactly, near Bucharest. However it seems important to me to come back to the major events of the refuge.

In September 2013 a law authorizing the euthanasia of stray dogs is passed. Euthanasia is more akin to a real massacre ... Dogs are violently caught in the street and thrown into a pound, some pounds leaving them without water or food, dying ... Others are massacred in the middle of the street. The extreme climate does not spare the dogs any more. In summer you can reach 45 degrees and fall to -25 degrees in winter.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Faced with this barbarity, Alina and her mother Anda decide to mobilize to save stray dogs, before they fall into the hands of "dogcatchers" (dog catchers).
Before 2013 , Anda already had a shelter that she had built at her home. This shelter had no less than 140 dogs. Unfortunately, Anda is denounced to the DSV and must evacuate all her dogs within a month. This refuge is that of FRUMISANI . To date the refuge has been emptied.

Following the denunciation, Alina and Anda find a piece of land which they start to rent in September 2013. It will be JILAVA's refuge . Unfortunately after 4 months of investment and numerous appeals for donations still on Facebook, to build the refuge, the owner of the land dies and his widow decides to sell the land. Alina is asked to leave the field with all these animals as soon as possible.

In 2014 , we bought land from Alina and Anda, with the appeals for donations that we made on facebook as well as the help provided by the Finnish Rescue Association Hobo Dogs association. It will be SINTESTI's refuge . Today, November 2017, 3 years later , the work has progressed well, but our refuge is not yet finished!

Alina had succeeded in negotiating with the owner of JILAVA to obtain a delay until the SINTESTI refuge was able to accommodate JILAVA's dogs. But in December 2015 , the owner gave Alina a period of 1 month to vacate the premises.
Faced with this emergency, provisional boxes were built in SINTESTI to accommodate JILAVA dogs. They are precarious boxes, without roofs. With winter setting in, it is essential that dogs be adopted, so that they free up space in other boxes!

A huge thanks to Alina and his mother, Anda , for all their dedication to our Romanian dogs . Our turn to help them provide a home for their dogs!

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